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Moving On is a charity committed to making longer term trauma therapies more accessible

Filling the gap

Moving On is a registered charity working to fill the gap left by Government funded therapeutic services. Often these services are limited to a few free counselling sessions and pharmaceuticals.

We know that most survivors of violence, abuse and trauma need more than just a handful of therapy sessions. So we fund up to 12 months of counselling and psychotherapy services for women (including women identifying), birthing parents and non-binary folk who have experienced traumatic events that leave ongoing emotional challenges in their wake.

For those who are not ready for talk therapy but need help managing their nervous system or physical responses such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression, anger or dissociation, we also fund trauma sensitive yoga, mindful movement and somatic experiencing therapies. These modalities have been proven to be extremely effective but are often unable to be accessed. We are one of the only ones providing this type of support.


  • To disrupt the cycle of trauma before it impacts the next generation of families
  • Communities where emotional pain is no longer a life-long struggle and life is lived in colour.


  • To provide wraparound therapeutic services to women and non-binary folk living with the ongoing emotional impact of trauma


  • Rangatiratanga / Self Determination - We believe each person is the leader of their own wellbeing and should have choice and control over the support they access
  • Manaakitanga - We operate and communicate in a way that lifts people up and respects their mana. We are welcoming and kind to interact with - always.
  • Kaitiakitanga - We provide a safe, private and confidential space for each person to be connected with their chosen support.
  • Accessibility - We make the process of accessing support easy and fast to ensure each person receives support when they need it most.

View our team page.